Netflix Enables Offline Viewing Of TV And Movie Titles At No Extra Cost

By Marian Joan Bongato - 03 Dec '16 13:02PM

Netflix is one of the most acclaimed streaming media companies today. The entertainment company has finally made it possible to download TV and movie titles in offline mode. Netflix enabled the offline viewing feature at no extra charge.

Subscribing to its services let the viewers watch their selected content on their desktop or mobile devices any time and any place. However, for countries that do not offer speedy internet link, it could be very tedious and disappointing for the viewers to enjoy constant streaming.

What other similar companies did like Amazon Prime, Hulu Plus and Vudu is that they allow users to download a copy of the show and view it later on their devices even if they are not connected to the network. Unfortunately for Netflix, this idea was improbable.

According to Forbes, luckily this year, Netflix had finally opened its doors to this download service. People who have been too engrossed in watching tv series and movies through Netflix can now enjoy offline viewing with an even fitter video quality and not having to deal with playback problems anymore.

This service is now available as a new feature in the mobile app that Netfix had provided. Reports from Wired, it took the company a while to concede to this new feature because of film rights but eventually agreed to it.

People who are using iOS, Android, or even Amazon FireOS app just have to update their app to locate the entire collection of downloadable content. To be able to find selections that are permitted for offline downloads, customers can simply navigate the Netflix menu and find "Available for Download."

Considering this, downloading a video with lower resolution means lower download time and lesser storage space. Yet, higher quality videos would take up more time and storage space. To this effect, Netflix subscribers must also take into account the standard quality of downloading a video to fully enjoy this new twist.


TAGSNetflix, offline streaming, netflix shows, netflix download, netflix everywhere, Streaming
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