'Pokemon GO' News & Update: Niantic’s New Tracker Seen As A New Marketing Stunt; Let Players Capture Rare Pokemon And Even Ditto?

By Quincy Chase - 03 Dec '16 04:00AM

While some players are excited about the latest "Pokemon GO" update on its new tracking system, others feel disappointed that Niantic carefully planted a masterful marketing setup. However, the new "Pokemon GO" tracker is more precise than alternative tracking system and best yet, it is now made by Niantic. 

The new tracker that is now available in the U.S. and UK will allow players to find Pokemon easier. And if you are one of those people who find that you are spending more time walking than catching different Pokemon, then the new tracking system is right for you. 

iDigital Times reported that that the app will now allow players to find different Pokemon with a breeze since it is easier to find a Growlithe as it is just standing next to Gordon Ramsay's restaurant. It is now easier to find hard to catch Pokemon although Ditto can't still be found. 

The downside though of this new "Pokemon GO" tracking system is that it carefully created a marketing opportunity for companies who want to be a sponsored PokeStops, according to Forbes. While "Pokemon GO" will not tell you to eat at Gordon Ramsey's restaurant or buy macchiato at Starbucks but Niantic now offers a lot of ads that encourage its players to buy at stores and eat at the nearby restaurant.

Of course, if the sponsored Starbucks PokeStop has a Ditto spawn attached to it most players would definitely go inside and get that hard to catch and never found Ditto while of course ordering coffee at the same time. Although there are no specific stores attached to PokeStops yet but PokStop-based spawns are just the beginning. 

Niantic is still working on further developing and updating "Pokemon GO" before its upcoming Christmas event. Niantic is also ready to always provide changes if it's necessary and is always ready for reviews and feedbacks submitted on their social media accounts. 

For those who are satisfied with "Pokemon GO" new tracking system, there are more rare and spawn Pokemon for these players to catch. While the Christmas event is soon to happen, let us enjoy the game again. 


TAGSPokemon GO, Pokemon GO update, Niantic
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