‘Battlefield’ Won’t Be Getting Updates In A Couple Of Years, EA To Prioritize ‘Star Wars Battlefront’

By Shor M - 02 Dec '16 03:00AM

Electronic Arts (EA) has announced two news recently and it consists of a good one and a bad one. First the bad news, apparently it has decided to forgo any updates for “Battlefield” for a couple of years. But the good news is, they are going to work on the sequel to “Star Wars: Battlefront”.

EA has started the “Battlefield” video game series in September 2002 when it released “Battlefield 1942”. Since then on the said video game has spawned various titles and several expansions. The video games have been made available on all the video game platforms.

The latest game it has under its wing is “Battlefield 1”, which was released this year on Oct. 21. It was released for MS Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One and functions with the Frostbite engine. Just on its initial announcement, the said game has already been anticipated by millions. By the time it released an open beta in August 2016, an estimated 13.2 million players took part in it.

Battlefield 1” owes much of its praise for using the World War 1 as its theme. It has become the best-selling game in the UK and Japan after just a week from its release. Since its official worldwide release, EA revealed new patches for updates on the game. It has also been reported that EA will be deploying new updates this December that will include downloadable contents and a possible new multiplayer map.

But that is probably the latest update “Battlefield 1” or any “Battlefield” game will be getting so far after EA said they won’t be releasing updates for the said game. It was uncertain whether they will stop updating patches and creating expansions for “Battlefield 1”. But they have voiced out that they will definitely not be releasing a new “Battlefield” video game for some years.

With the new movie, “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” coming up, EA will be focusing on developing the new video game, “Star Wars: Battlefront”. They have revealed the plans earlier this year and has set on launching the said “Star Wars” game in fall 2017. They have further said that next few years will be allotted to the sequel of “Star Wars: Battlefront”.

TAGSEA Game, Electronic Arts, EA, EA Battlefield, EA Star Wars Battlefront, Star Wars Battlefront
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