Google Names 'Pokemon Go' Biggest Mobile Game In 2016; 'Pokemon Sun And Moon' Makes New Record For Nintendo

By Shor M - 02 Dec '16 03:10AM

The world of “Pokemon” is enjoying a glorious era this year as its games have been recognized for major new records for this year. Google recently just hailed “Pokemon GO” has the biggest mobile game for the 2016 in the history of US. It has been so successful that it about takes over Snapchat’s spot.

Pokemon GO” has garnered over 21 million active users in the US alone. Though threatening Snapchat’s record, it has actually already surpassed “Candy Crush”, which was the biggest mobile game before with 20 million users. “Candy Crush” was so popular that users were practically addicted to playing the mobile application during past times like it was part of their everyday lives.

Even after "Pokemon GO" has sparked controversies during its initial release due to unprecedented incidents all over the world while using the said mobile game, it did not stop millions of users from downloading and playing it. Being the most popular game in the market, it has been downloaded more than 100 million times worldwide. As of now, it is still the top trending mobile application to date and continuously gets regular updates to cater better playing experience.

Meanwhile, “Pokemon Sun” and “Pokemon Moon”, which is conveniently shortened as “Pokemon Sun and Moon” has created a new record in the history of Nintendo. As of today, the video games are the fastest selling games in the US and in Europe. It has already sold a combined 3.7 million units in the US alone since it was launched on Nov. 18.

This feat is a far cry from what “Pokemon X and Y” has reached, which was the fastest selling game back in 2013. Nintendo has admitted that the success of “Pokemon Sun and Moon” pretty much had something to do with “Pokemon GO” being widely acclaimed. The Nintendo video game was developed for the Nintendo 3DS console and was released to commemorate Pokemon’s 20th anniversary.

TAGSPokemon GO, Pokemon, Niantic Inc., Nintendo, Nintendo 3DS, Pokemon Sun, Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Sun and Moon, Candy Crush, Snapchat
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