Bob Dylan: Skips White House Appointments And Could Not Attend The Nobel Prize Ceremony

By Kenn Mark - 01 Dec '16 20:35PM

On Wednesday, Bob Dylan is not attending President Barack Obama's meet-and-greet with other American Nobel Prize winners.  However, it was reported that Dylan was pleased to receive the award. And, it was confirmed that he is not traveling to Stockholm to get his award.

The honorary Nobel Prize ceremony at the White House was a special occasion designed to pat on the back of some of the world's most innovative writers, scientists, and visionaries.  It would the first time for the American songwriter to be recognized by the Nobel Prize for Literature.

"Unfortunately, Bob Dylan will not be at the White House today. So everyone can relax," Press Secretary Josh Earnest publicized told the reporters, according to the Hill. "Congratulations to one of my favorite poets, Bob Dylan, on a well-deserved Nobel," President Obama shared on Twitter, in October.

The public hesitancy about Bob Dylan winning the Nobel Prize in literature was criticized by a member of the Swedish Academy, which he said that the 75-year-old American singer-songwriter is impolite and conceited for not returning the calls. He wishes he could receive the prize personally, yet he couldn't attend the Nobel Prize Ceremony on December 10th due to pre-existing commitments that would make it impossible.

A Nobel Lecture is the only requisite of accepting the award. However, he either not planning to attend that would be held on December 7. The Swedish Academy joked that there is a big chance that Dylan will be performing in Stockholm next year, which might be perfect opportunity to deliver his lecture.

Back in 2012, Dylan received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Obama and he performed at the White House two years proceeding to that. People have no idea and may be wondering why the musician is refusing to contribute to the Nobel Prize awards practice.


TAGSentertainment, music, Bob Dylan, President Barack Obama, Nobel Prize
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