’No Man’s Sky’ Latest News: ‘The Foundation Update’, Full Base-Building System & Much More!

By Love Marie - 29 Nov '16 21:37PM

Players of the "No Man's Sky" game are disappointed on the first time they experienced the game. Many refused to continue playing the said game. But a lot of things had changed on the updates.

According to Kotaku, the resources seem harder to find so it become more difficult and it will challenge you to find them. Players can still now play while the Journey Milestone is progressing. The User interface also changed like a new shortcut that no needs to access the inventory but can still get through the different gears. Planets are also part of the change update. If planning to play the Survival mode, be ready because after the update it gets more difficult but it's going to be enjoyable for the players. The change in creative mode is how well the creativity of the player done and enjoy building whatever the player wants plus the crafting tool is easy to use. Anyone would love the teleporters because it helps progress the productivity of the players. If teleporter doesn't go well, try the Freighters but it becomes expensive to use. The communication level also appears to improved, like the player can send a message to some other player. Be prepared to see also some aliens who hang outs on space stations and yes be friendly to them - no judgments. Remember the melee plus jump boosts? The amazing skills still exist.

On an interview with Sean Murray with the PC Gamer, he said that there would be no base-building but here is the update and players can now build one.

Now that the player happily built a base that doesn't mean the player will never go out and explore. In order to completely have the best base, the player should loot the resources and transferred into the base.

For the full details on the "Foundation update", check here.

TAGSNo Man's Sky, Update 1.1
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