Brangelina Divorce Update: The New Mystery Woman Brad Pitt Is Dating Revelaed

By Michael Davis - 29 Nov '16 21:02PM

The Brangelina divorce is getting intense by the day as people believed that Brad Pitt is allegedly dating a mystery woman. Recently, he was rumored to have dated "Allied" co-star Marion Cotillard and on some accounts said the two have slept already.

According to Inquisitr, the mystery woman who will fill the vacancy Angelina Jolie left is the actress Kate Hudson. Given that the Brad Pitt and Kate are friends for some time, they are assumed meeting up in secret according to sources.

Kriz Herzog, Pitt's long time body-guard said in an interview with Woman's Day Magazine spindles about the chance between the two stars. "I know both of them, Kate and Brad, I am not surprised if the two of them are dating", he said.

Brad is busy promoting his recent movie "Allied", and he is very hectic and much focused on his career even I the middle of the legal battle with Angelina. However, behind the scene is cooking up a new romance with Kate Hudson, on the report made by Hollywood Life.

The reports, however, are strongly denied by both camps. The rumors spreading in the entertainment industry is like fire fueled by more wood to create bigger fuzz. In consideration, there is no concrete evidence of the relationship between Kate and Brad.

Following the story of the "Brangelina Divorce" it is remembered that the two of them separated early September and Angelina filed the necessary papers for divorce on September 19 said on New York Magazine. It also appealed that Angelina will get full custody of their children.

Angelina's attorney said that the divorce is for the benefit of their family's health. No other information was given to the public as to the basis of why they are divorcing. Rumor says that there was a truce to invite Brad to the November 26 Thanksgiving but  it was suspended by Angelina's camp.

TAGSBrad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Brangelina Divorce, Kate Hudson, Mystery Woman, Celebrity Romance, Celebrity Divorce, Allied
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