'Stranger Things' Actress Millie Bobby Brown Channels Her Inner Adele

By Joyce Vega - 28 Nov '16 23:41PM

Millie Bobby Brown is the 12-year-old actress in the hit show "Stranger Things". The young actress recently caught people's attention when a video she shared on twitter ordering at Starbucks singing like Adele went viral.

According to Daily Mail, the star from “Stranger Things” parodied Adele’s "Hello". When her father got closer to the window, the young actor leaned towards it and she gave her order at Starbucks singing: "Can I have a venti latte and a caramel frappuccino? Oh please!" But after her power ballad went shamefully unappreciated, her father repeated the order as she hid behind the back seat. The young actor used the hashtag #hellofromupsidedown, a reference from her show “Stranger things” on Netflix.

According to Entertainment Weekly, despite her fame for playing psychokinetic preteen on Netflix’s hit sci-fi series “Stranger Things”, she doesn’t have a problem rocking the mic. She won the internet with her funny videos performing hits from artists like Adele, Beyonce and believe it or not, she can perform Nickie Minaj too.

According to Bustle, the best thing to notice from this video, despite her amazing vocal skills is her relationship with her dad. It’s very important for kids to have a good relationship with their parents especially when they are exposed to the world and they make a huge amount of money so young, the bad way is just a turn away. She is a kid, who can move things with her brain, sing, and even rap and seriously how can a parody like this go so unappreciated?

Bobby owned 2016 in the best way possible, she rocked out at the Emmys, shared funny and creative videos with her fans and became a star in sci-fi series on Netflix all at age of 12, she is adorable and brilliant.

TAGSStranger Things, Stranger Things News, Stranger Things Updates, Stranger Things Actress, Stranger Things Millie Bobby Brown, Stranger Things Millie Bobby Brown News, Stranger Things Millie Bobby Brown Updates
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