'Pokemon Sun And Moon' Trick: A Shortcut in Evolving Pokemon

By Mara T - 28 Nov '16 04:50AM

Evolving Pokemon in “Pokemon Sun and Moon” is not as easy as it used to be. Today, players not only need to level up a Pokemon but also maximize their happiness level or relationship points to get a successful evolution. It's already tedious that players need to use a Pokemon in the battle to increase its level so making sure the happiness is up too will just take too much time. Fortunately, players in the game have found out a shortcut to maximize the happiness or friendship level without taking too long.

The Shortcut in Evolving Every Pokemon in the Game

In “Pokemon Sun and Moon”, there is an item called TMs or also known as Technical Machine that players use to teach a new move to their Pokemon. Each time a player teaches a TM move to their Pokemon, points are also added to their relationship. This led to one player’s discovery that they can alternate teaching two TM moves to one Pokemon so its happiness continues to go up within seconds. In less than an hour, a player may already maximize the happiness so their Pokemon is finally ready for evolution.

Shortcut Evolution Method vs Traditional Evolution through Friendship Method

The only disadvantage of using the shortcut method over the traditional one is that their Pokemon may not be as strong as the ones evolved through the other method in “Pokemon Sun and Moon”. The Traditional method, although time-consuming, will also increase the Pokemon’s stats for every bonding time spent with it. This ultimately becomes a big factor in creating a strong Pokemon that can defeat the most powerful Pokemon in every trial in the game. However, if the player’s purpose is to only get the evolved Pokemon’s data in the Pokedex, the shortcut version is a good alternative.

TAGSPokemon Sun and Moon, Pokemon Sun And Moon tips, pokemon sun and moon tips and tricks, pokemon sun and moon walkthrough, Pokemon Sun And Moon Evolving Pokemon
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