PH Communist Party Supports Duterte But Not 100%, Says Revolution Still Continues

By Erika Ivene - 28 Nov '16 06:52AM

This administration by Philippines president Rody Duterte has been, so far, the most approachable for Communist insurgents. Also, this may be the first government term that showed seriousness in negotiating with the reds to the extent of setting free the latter's imprisoned peace panelists. However, even after Duterte became vocal between ending ties with the US government, for the revolutionaries, this is not enough.

On his earlier days in the office, Duterte established his accommodating trait to the revolutionaries. The receiving party saw this as a potential start for obtaining a just and lasting peace they have been fighting for since their foundation in the late 1960's. However, Duterte's administration is gradually making a name for being flighty and inconsistent with its decisions and press releases. What if the earlier peaceful relationship is to be pulled out, too, in the end?

On November 23, the reds held a news conference in the heart of the Sierra Madre mountains, the Daily Mail reports. This is to address the pressing issues and share their rightful socialist perspective on the matters at hand. New People's Army, the armed wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines, spokesperson Jaime "Ka Diego" Padilla, 69, led the conference and fiercely gave sharp answers to the questions shot by the present media people.

When asked if the rebels are serious with their friendship to Duterte's camp, Padilla made it clear that there will be no reason to be friends with the government if Duterte will not be firm on his anti-US stance. Padilla added that as long as the US military are present in the country, the imperialist influence will still be there.

A younger guerilla with the nom-de-guerre, Guiller, shared that the Communist Party supports Duterte, however, not a 100%. He emphasized that if the contradictions persist, the revolution will continue.

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The revolutionaries are optimistic on Duterte cutting ties with the US, but it doesn't mean that him veering to China and Russia's camp is a better decision. The Communist Party has always been clear that they are not pro-China, this country has long graduated from its socialist tendencies and was instantly restored to a capitalist country right after communist leader Mao Zedong passed away.

The revolution is a protracted people's war, meaning this was established because the people experience injustices, oppression, and exploitation. The war only ends if this inhumane social state ends.

Though still, the reds share that they will still be backing Duterte up to guide him in doing what is right. This offer is a part of their sincerity in upholding and complying with the peace talks and not only because they have conditions.

Meanwhile, the Duterte government waits if the Communist Party will participate in a bilateral ceasefire agreement. The reds, on the other hand, is willing to make peace with the government but a bilateral ceasefire is far from sight since the Armed Forces of the Philippines continue to deploy their elements and sow terror among those who live in the countryside, states the CPP on its official website.

For these revolutionaries, however hard and longer the struggle gets, as long as its principle remains for the people and by the people, everything is worth it. It explains why their number widens amidst all the sacrifice a revolution entails.

TAGSRody Duterte, Communist Party of the Philippines, New People's Army
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