'Arrow' News & Updates: Black Canary As The Best Character; What's The Connection Of Prometheus To Oliver Queen?

By Leby Nightray - 25 Nov '16 06:42AM

The "Arrow" series had Oliver Queen or better known as Green Arrow as the best character in the show. Oliver the protagonist should have been the unified answer of all but some may have a divided feeling as some are strongly attracted to the character Black Canary.

The "Arrow's" Black Canary was played by Katie Cassidy. Black Canary or Laurel Lance had a lot of challenges the same as Oliver Queen. Everyone was devastated when she was killed last season but no one can forget how her contribution made an impact to the whole series.

Black Canary is one of the best characters who developed the way the viewers wanted, a smart woman with emotional journey who was able to be pointed to the right path to the destination of being a hero. A destiny that was soon put to an end.

The perfect portrayal of Kate Cassidy in "Arrow" as Black Canary was the best contribution why people loved the character. The emotional struggles were well shown on her every expression and if she was hurt when she found out that Oliver and Sara were together, people can't help but feel the hurt too. 

Now that "Arrow" has to proceed as usual even without Black Canary, a flashback has hinted something about the connection of Prometheus and Oliver Queen. If "The Flash" already revealed who is behind Dr. Alchemy's mask, fans are expecting "Arrow" to do the same too.

The "Arrow" Season 5 Episode 9 has released some very intriguing photos which include the Team Arrow to be facing Prometheus. Also, a very distracting information has gotten to Oliver Queen- Prometheus seems to know everyone in his team including their secret identities. Luckily, Felicity and Detective Malone was able to find a clue that would connect Oliver's past to who is Prometheus really is.

The loss of "Black Canary" in "Arrow" was saddening but the show needs to move on. The upcoming episode will be directed by Antonio Negret that will air on December 7. What would Oliver Queen do when faced with Prometheus or worst, something terrible that happened in the past.

TAGSArrow, Black Canary, Prometheus, Oliver Queen, Green Arrow
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