Dishonored 2 News and Update: Multiple Errors Experienced Due To Upcoming Update?

By Jayde Winston - 21 Nov '16 19:16PM

Dishonored had pleased a lot of critiques, and had fans amazed about the challenges and twists of the story. It earned the highest rating for IGN's Game Top Chart.

Since its release, fans are looking forward towards the new innovations for Dishonored 2. Recently, it was reported that Dishonored 2 will come up with a new update that includes two features and is set to be released next month. The new update includes New Game+ and certain fixes with a new patch.

New Game+ allows gamers to play through the adventures again and retain their arkane powers. Also, it provides gamers the opportunity of extending the game with custom difficulty and allows fans to retake possible miss out within the game.

It was reported before that the game have been experiencing a lot of technical issues especially if you're using the PC platform. It was reported that the upcoming update for dishonored 2 will more likely fix some slight issues, but could consider fixing the whole game. Issues such as Mouse Improvement, AMD cloth physics, and CPU task priority remains unresolved.

Dishonored 2's official forum have introduced some slight fix for the game, but the bigger picture remains unknown. Fans are expecting to have these certain issues resolve in the upcoming update, it is safe to say that the facts provided are mere rumors.

There are no further details regarding the said update from Bethesda. But, users are currently experiencing multiple technical issues with Dishonored 2. Bethesda refused the claim about this issue, but recent reports about Bethesda refusing early copies can be considered as a warning according to Lazygamer.

Dishonored 2 updates will be released next month, and fans fingers are crossed, hoping that the said update will fix the whole bigger picture for them to enjoy. For more information about Dishonored 2 Official Forum, click here. Also, stay tuned for more Dishonored 2 news and update here on News Every Day.

TAGSDishonored 2, Dishonored 2 review, Dishonored 2 gameplay, Dishonored 2 trailer, Dishonored 2 system requirements, dishonored 2 news, dishonored 2 emily
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