EA Games to Head on to Nintendo Switch

By Danica Arkwright - 17 Nov '16 07:28AM

With Nintendo's Switch reveal last month, developers and game companies are all expressing their supporting for the upcoming handheld console. And Electronic Arts (EA for short) just announced that they'll be bringing their games to Nintendo Switch.

In the UBS Global Technology Conference, EA's chief financial officer Blake Jorgensen drop down a few hints on the company's thoughts on Nintendo's upcoming console. He said that EA might be bringing one of their bigger games into the console. While they didn't announce a specific game title, it is enough to hear that EA will be developing their games for Switch.

They also stated that the success rate for Nintendo Switch is still too early to predict. Meaning, they wouldn't know yet if the console would be a hit to players all over the world. Other handheld consoles such as Nintendo's 3DS' family and Sony's Playstation Vita are popular handhelds which players get to enjoy their games while on the go. EA will have to wait and see if Switch could join the ranks of 3DS and the Vita when it comes to handheld gaming.

EA did not mention any of their big titles but people are taking their guess on which of EA's notable titles will make way to Switch. Mass Effect? Battlefield? Titanfall? Or their popular simulation title, The Sims? We'll never know.

Below is an excerpt to EA Jorgensen's statement on the matter:

"We're excited for Nintendo, it's an interesting device, but I can't yet predict how broad it's going to be, and will people be interested in a portable device alongside their regular portable device that they have."

Nintendo will be holding an event on January 12, 2017, that will reveal more of Nintendo's Switch details. Here is a list of publishers and developers who expressed their support to the handheld console.

TAGSNintendo, EA, Electronic Arts, video games, Nintendo Switch
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