NES Classic Sold Out!

By Danica Arkwright - 15 Nov '16 18:59PM

With Nintendo's latest NES Classic release, fans, both young and old, have been flocking Game stores to buy a copy of their own. The reason for it is because fans who grew up in the 80's got a nostalgic feeling, seeing one of their favorite toys (does a video game console count as a toy?) brought back to life. While the younger fans wanted to experience how are, games were back in the 80's. If you're one of those who managed to get a copy before the stocks ran out, then consider yourself a lucky person!

That's right. You read it right. NES Classic is sold out. After facing long lines of customers and relentless phone calls for stocks, all retailers in the country have declared the NES Classic console out of stock. It is clear that the sudden onslaught of the customers buying and inquiring about the console was overlooked and not all of the retailers have stocked up enough to address the sudden demand.

According to Polygon, retailers such as Game Stop, Toys R Us, and Target immediately sold out their supply quick. They also prohibited customers from buying the console online, which probably added to the reason why there are long queues. According to them, "there are as few as ten consoles to forty people."

While retailers are entertaining angry customers, scalpers took the situation to their advantage. On eBay, the price of the console tripled (even tripled is not enough) of its original retail price. Some people expressed disappointment at how some people take advantage of the shortage and sell the console at a ridiculous price.

But fret not! Nintendo tweeted that the company will be releasing more of the NES Classic soon. As to when will they release the next batch of consoles, we'll never know. It's obvious that they didn't expect that such high demand on the NES Classic would happen, so they are trying their best to keep up with the demand.

The NES Classic is a reboot of the original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), which was released back in the 80's. The NES Classic edition was released on November 11 worldwide.

TAGSNES, Nintendo, Console
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