Sony PlayStation 4 Pro Review: 4K UHD Gaming At Less Than $400; More Powerful Than Microsoft’s Xbox One S

By Tony Park - 11 Nov '16 16:35PM

Sony has just released PlayStation 4 Pro, which is the first console to take 4K ultrahigh-definition (UHD) gaming seriously. The Japanese company designed PlayStation 4 Pro to process gameplay at 4K UHD resolution, offering high-dynamic range. Let's look at the game console's design, specs, graphical enhancements, and power consumption.

PlayStation 4 Pro is two centimeters wider and two centimeters deeper than the original PS4. Compared to the original model and the PS4 Slim, the PS4 Pro is heavier. "The Guardian" describes the PS4 Pro's design as sort of brutalist and compares it to a multistory car park.

The PS4 Pro has an HDMI cable, DualShock controller, and power lead. The set-up process is less exhaustive as opposed to Microsoft's Xbox One S. A notification informs users if your television is compatible with HDR and 4K.

According to Yahoo, the inside of PlayStation 4 Pro is far flashier than the outside of the gaming console system. The PlayStation 4 Pro's specs are higher than the Xbox One S. PS4 Pro boasts of a faster CPU, double GPUs, an extra 1GB of RAM, which provides 4.2 teraflops of processing speed. The hard drive size is 1TB, which is double the memory space than PS4.

Sony is marketing PlayStation 4 Pro as a gaming device that will deliver better, smoother, graphics than the original console. A free downloadable software patch is available for that graphical upgrade. Cnet stresses that the PS4 Pro is being labeled as a step-up model, and is not a PlayStation 5.

Game Spot performed a visual analysis of PlayStation 4 Pro using several video games including "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered," "Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor," and "Infamous: Second Son." PS4 Pro's visual enhancements are compared against PS4 Slim. The website found the hues on the PS4 Pro more realistic and lifelike.

Here's the bottomline : Playing video games in 4K resolution will force you to buy PlayStation 4 Pro.

TAGSPlayStation 4 Pro review, PlayStation 4 Pro vs. Xbox One S, PlayStation 4 Pro, PlayStation 4 Pro price, PlayStation 4 Pro spec, Sony PlayStation 4 Pro Review, Sony Playstation, Microsoft Xbox One S, Sony PlayStation 4 Slim, 4k playstation 4
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