Facebook 'Caffe2Go' Reviews; AI Platform Lets Users Add Picasso-Like Style To Real-Time Videos & Photos

By Rita Mendoza - 10 Nov '16 08:53AM

Facebook introduced its "Caffe2Go" AI processing platform last month via a limited European release. This AI platform allows users to style transfer live real-time videos on smartphone devices.

“Caffe2Go” is a video and photo filter that is founded on the concept of deep neural network technology that was initially launched in 2015 for still photos only, and Facebook just recently had a breakthrough with the “Caffe2Go” artistic photo filter.

The “Caffe2Go” features a deep learning neural networks that can take, analyze, and process photos in real-time on compatible mobile devices. Facebook condensed the size of the model that processes the image and videos by a hundred times, and they were able to efficiently run the deep neural networks in both Android and iOS devices.

The “Caffe2Go” platform is Facebook's effort at integrating its AI into our daily lives. The feature allows users to transfer styles to photos and live videos using only the phone. Basically, Facebook users will be able to add stunning painting effects and, for the first time ever, can be done on mobile devices alone at a speed less than one-twentieth of a second, a speed that is six times faster than a blink of an eye.

The deep neural networks are patterned like the neurons of the human brain, which transmits data from the brain to the body. These neural nets are the key that makes AI technology, wrote CNBC. Though there are limitations to the technology, such as understanding context, Facebook is now aiming at teaching computers to plan, learn, and reason like that of humans. Developers can access “Caffe2Go” platform via Facebook stack. Facebook is also planning to open-source portions of it in a few months.

Many companies are racing to create new processors that will allow deep neural networks to run on not just smartphones but on other devices as well, including Movidius which has been recently acquired by Intel, as well as IBM.

While Facebook's painting style transfer “Caffe2Go” is not quite life-changing, this is a major breakthrough that may pave the way to more enhancements in the future.

TAGSfacebook, Caffe2go, facebook caffe2go
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