'Pokemon Go' Update: New Gen 2 Poke Monsters Leaked; Sun & Moon Saga Crossover Revealed

By Rita Mendoza - 10 Nov '16 09:07AM

It's official, Niantic revealed that it is hiding many features in Pokemon Go including new second-generation Pokemon, and a feature that might connect the "old" to the "new."

100 Second Generation Pokemon Monsters

In a report by BGR, Niantic will be releasing 100 additional Pokemon characters for Pokemon GO players to chase and catch. This is a particularly exciting news for Poke-trainers who have already captured the first 151 Pokemon monsters in the game, and those who are already losing interest in the game. BGR also reports that these 100 additional Pokemon GO characters are already inside the commit of the most recent update of the game available for iOS and Android. However, Niantic has made no mention of the additional Pokemon monsters in its social media accounts and blog. The company, however, mentioned that they will be adding a new "Nearby" feature that Pokemon GO trainers have long been waiting for.

Pokemon GO Coming To Sun & Moon

Another discovery has been laid out by Pokemon GO Hub. The "infamous" text file 70 describes the origin of the Pokemon, and they reported that the specific text file includes sources to more areas or regions to capture Pokemon like Poke Pelagio and Pokemon Link. Players of the Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon Saga have been expecting this as director Junichi Masuda has mentioned this several times before. The report adds that the leaks all came from a verified source on Reddit where the text file 69 shows the source of the Pokemon, while the text file 70 revealed where the Pokemon is originating from.

In addition to Niantic's new update that is running from November 7 to November 11, new Pokemon monsters, new regions, and link to other Pokemon GO compatible saga are the gaming company's efforts in keeping fans hooked in the game. This is yet another great news for Pokemon GO players as Niantic tries to deliver more features to its new unique gaming platform.

TAGSPokemon GO, Pokemon Sun, Pokemon Moon
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