Supergirl Season 2 Episode 4 "Survivors" Recap - M'orzz a White Martian? [WATCH] Full Episode Here!

By Jayde Winston - 03 Nov '16 09:26AM

After President Marsdin signed the Alien Amnesty Act, Extraterrestrials are popping everywhere. ET's are being exploited and used for entertainment for people who can afford to pay. Alex Danvers and Maggie Sawyer found a dead alien body which leads them to an underground Alien Fight Club. The underground manifesto is run by Roulette ( Dichen Lachman), a woman who's in contact with National City including Lena Luthor. Roulette is making use of aliens to battle each other on her fight club. After discovering the said fight club, Alex and Maggie succeed but only to a temporary stop.

M'gann M'orzz, the last female Martian, caught fighting in the fight club. Hanks was caught surprise about this revelations, and later then realize the reason why M'orzz is reluctant to physically bond with him. M'gann further betrayed him and was forced to battle him in the fight club.

Lena Luthor gave the location of the fight club to Kara, and together with Alex and Maggie, they were able to defeat Draaga from Mon - El. Although the team was able to dismantle the fight club, Roulette successfully escaped due to orders from the High.

Episode 4 of Supergirl Season 2 lead to a much more subplot. This includes Mon - El getting crazy and persuading Winn to show him the city lights. Mon - El had serious realizations such as his in comparison to the powers Kara possess and how he is a threat to mankind.

The chemistry of Sawyer and Alex which hit an unexpected speed bump. Also, Hank and M'gann attempted to form a bond but was rejected by M'gann. She told the story of how she was saved by a White Martian when the planet was at war. She explained that she wants to forget her time in Mars, the reason why she doesn't want to bond with Hank.

At the end of the episode, it turns out that M'gann is the White Martian. Speculations then rise, is she the White Martian Saviour? We will find out on the next episode of Super Girl.

TAGSSupergirl, Supergirl Season 2 Spoilers
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