‘Game Of Thrones’ Spoilers: Suicide Revelation & Joffrey’s Murderer Confesses In Season 7

By R. A. Jayme - 02 Nov '16 22:25PM

"Game of Thrones Season 7" is expected to answer some big questions that viewers have been asking for years.

Spoiler Alert: "Game of Thrones" Season 7 spoilers can be read below.

According to Movie Pilot, one of the biggest plots revealed in the newest batch of possible spoilers is the reveal of Joffrey's murderer. As viewers know, Joffrey was crowned king after Robert Baratheon was killed. Joffrey was an unkind ruler and hated by many. During his wedding to Margaery, someone poisoned his drink and killed him. While Joffrey's uncle, Tyrion Lannister, who was acting as his cup-bearer at the time, was accused and found guilty of the murder, Tyrion has always maintained his innocence. Now, the Lannister family is finally going to find out who killed Joffrey.

According to the spoilers, Lady Olenna will admit to poisoning Joffrey's drink. Olenna will reportedly confess her murder to Jaime Lannister, Joffrey's father-uncle. However, Lady Tyrell did not act alone as she had received help from Littlefinger, and it seems likely that Jaime and Cersei will want him dead for killing their son as well.

Olenna is the last remaining member of the Tyrell family after her son, grandson, and granddaughter Margaery were killed by Cersei Lannister. Olenna is expectedly looking for revenge in the next season. Fans have already seen her make connections with the Daenerys Targaryen, who is also in alliance with the people of Dorn, the Dothraki, and the Greyjoy siblings, Yara and Theon.

After Olenna confesses to Joffrey's murder, she will then suffer the same fate by drinking poison right in front of Jaime. Could it be that Jaime slips Olenna the poison, or does she kill herself because she has nothing left to live for? If Olenna does commit suicide, it wouldn't be the first time viewers have seen a character take their own life.

In the Season 6 finale, King Tommen, Cersei's last living child, jumped out of the window of the Red Keep after learning that his wife, Margaery, and many others had been killed at the hands of his mother. Olenna's confession is reported to happen in the first episode of Season 7.

As reported by the Inquisitr, Cersei Lannister and her lover, twin brother Jaime will have another revelation. Cersei will allegedly become pregnant with another one of Jaime's children. Cersei will reportedly be happy about the pregnancy, but by the end of the season, she will suffer a miscarriage.

TAGSGame of Thrones, Game Of Thrones season 7 Spoilers, Game of thrones season 7 updates, Game Of thrones season 7
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