China’s Best Robots, Artificially Intelligent (AI) Assistants Can Understand How People Think

By Maria Follet - 29 Oct '16 07:16AM

China puts their best robots on show, revealing how they work and how great the artificial intelligence innovations are getting developed. These robots show different skills, including reading how people think and understanding the human language.

These robots were displayed during the 2016 World Robot Conference held in Beijing. The Xiao I bot is ranked as number one among all the robots which were shown during the conference. Also among the top ones are Microsoft's Cortana, Amazon's Echo and Apple's Siri.

Daily Mail UK highlights these AI assistants through the names they hold. The Xiao I bot is the robot which can decipher human language as well as how people think. The exhibitors showed how the bot performs its analytical skill of decoding massive data. This allows the robot to respond to instructions very well.

The exhibitors also explained that Xiao I bot's understanding of the human brain has been accumulated for decades through specific data about daily life and information about several industries, The Mirror notes.

Meanwhile, Jia Jia is the robot which can recognize human emotions. Dubbed as a humanoid robot and "robot goddess, Jia Jia looks very human because of its long hair and rosy cheeks. Because of this, the bot has attracted a lot of spectators during the conference.

Jia Jia was invented by researchers from China's University of Science and Technology. When asked by one spectator about what skills it has, it said "'I can talk with you. I can recognize faces. I can identify gender and age of people standing front of me, and I can detect your facial expressions." During last year's conference, a similar humanoid robot caught people's attention which the researchers dubbed as "Geminoid F".

There were also other several robots which were showcased which can perform several motor skills such as playing sports and acting like real animals.

TAGS2016 World Robot Conference, Robots, China, China Robots, China Robots News, China Robots Updates, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence News, Artificial Intelligence Updates, Artificial Intelligence China, AI Assistants
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