Automatic Driver now Possible with this Innovative Self-Driving Truck but may result for millions to lose their job

By Michael Davis - 28 Oct '16 19:34PM

The efficiency of product transportation is now made possible by Uber-owned start-up Otto. Recently, on October 20, 2016, the preliminary testing was done running over 120 miles.

New York Times reported that the Chief Executive of Uber that he visualize two possibilities of improvement in having a driverless truck and driver-controlled vehicle. Although, they clarified that drivers will still be needed as there are still human functions such as loading, picking up, and ensuring that the items they are picking are correct.

This new technology has been predicted by Uber, and its development has gone through several processes ensuring that the standard for safety and the quality of the output is prioritized. They see this invention be close for commercial convenience.

The threat of automation has becoming an increasing concern for drivers. According to Activist Post, in the United States alone, there are over 1.7 million drivers that think they will lose their job when this self-driving truck is made available in the market.

To a related report, for the general automation alone, there will be at least 80 million American who will suffer and some 15 million British losing jobs. The source for this is a study made by Oxford University done in February 2016.

Rice University in Texas, Professor Moshi Vardi stated in Anti-Media that if machines can do what human beings can do, so whatever people will do in the future for this case of automation? The changes of our trends are fast developing, and there are still no answers for questions.

Upskilling, on the other hand, is strongly recommended by the World Economic Forum. It is now up for the Governments to formulate the necessary policy in order address the arising crisis.

TAGSSelf-Driving, Automobiles, uber, Automation
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