Crystal Meth dependency amongst American

By Michael Davis - 27 Oct '16 13:21PM

There is about 24.7 Million Amphetamine Stimulant-dependent in the US with an average of 500 metric ton released yearly. Both the Government and the advocates have long been an adversary to stop this.

Foundation for a Drug-Free World cited that in the United States, they reported that in 2008 people aging 12 and up are abusing this unregulated drug. 529,000 out of the identified 13 million people on that year are identified to have used crystal meth regularly.

In a comparative report from year 1996 to 2006, there is an increase of 9% of drug dependency. In the State of Hawaii alone, 49% of the people who are addicted to substance are methamphetamine dependent.

In 2013, the United Nations published that North American are now faced with problem with crystal meth. Business Insider also stated that from 2010 to 2011, government forces were able to seize this substance from cartel increasing at least 73%.

Technically, it is considered that the United State is one of the powerhouses in North America and The world to be producer of methamphetamine. On this report, it was factual that the selling price from $290.00 per pure gram has gone down to $90.00 because of its availability.

In National Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin summit, President Barack Obama addressed for Government drug enforcer to work in close collaboration with the drug problem the US is facing. On the same bulletin in Time, they concluded that aside from crystal meth it is also noticeable of the increase of sedative abuse and cocaine usage.

Addressing the issue of drug dependency is a crucial step toward economic development and public safety. The data released by United Nation, CDC, and other institution are useful tools for lawmakers to formulate a strong policy to eradicate the abuse and for drug dependency to stop.

TAGScrystal meth, crystal methamphetamine, war on drugs, drug dependency, Drug Abuse
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