Ricky Gervais Blatantly Explained What Nobody Wants To Hear

By Ileen Jasmine - 26 Oct '16 11:40AM

On The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Ricky Gervais gave everyone the hard, cold truth about aging. The original Office star, age 55, has been asked by one of the audience on what's the worst thing about getting older in a segment called "Random People, Random Questions."

Being the great comedian that he is, Gervais explained the many horrors of aging in a very Ricky-Gervais way. He gave an honest, and brutal answer. The British comedian and actor answered, "I don't know where to start."

"I wake up in the morning now and go, 'Oh God I didn't die.' I just ache. I look forward to having a drink. At 6 o'clock I have a drink, and it's all OK, and I fall into bed. When I get up in the morning, I have to walk downstairs like that [waddles]. I've got a stiff back and stiff legs. I'm losing the hair." he added.

"It's all bad." A host of the show, Jimmy Fallon asked him to name just one specific thing that he hates the most. Gervais' response? "Pendulous testicles."

"Honestly," Gervais continued. "I'm hoping to live long enough to trip over them. I didn't realize until I was 50 that testicles float in the bath." Gervais even went as far as to say that his man parts look like "a couple of little hot hair balloons taking off from the forest." Thankfully, the man was able to have a deeper bath because of the money he made from his projects over the years, according to him.

While that might seem the funniest answer of the night, Gervais and Fallon had to answer the question "What's the best thing to say to someone in the middle of a hug?" Both men were happy to oblige and give the audience the satisfaction that they want, stood up and hugged each other.

Being the funny man that he is, Fallon whispered, "I love you," as his response to the question. Gervais had other ideas, and went for a more crude answer saying, "Why are we both carrying cucumbers in our pockets?"

For those fans who have missed the show, watch the entire segment in the video below.

TAGSJimmy Fallon, The Tonight Show, Ricky Gervais, aging
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