This is how you order a Pizza on Facebook Messenger

By JOY - 25 Oct '16 10:29AM

Our favorite pizza is just one click away now! Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook just recently launch the buy button to messenger plus an easy way of checking out process, isn't that very nice of him? What could be more fun than engaging good conversations with people through Facebook while having one slice of pizza or even a box all for you?

Domino's Pizza just used the method using only one word! What's the magic word? Say it! It's "PIZZA"! Yes, you heard it right, by just simply putting the word "PIZZA" to the messenger of Domino's naming DOM the bot you'll have a prompt reply from an Artificially Intelligent chatting robot that confirms your order.

First of all, you need to create an Easy Order Account that pairs to your Facebook account and poof! You are now ready to order one of your favorite yummy pizzas and just wait for the goodness of it to fill your tummy.

This new feature lets you have an easier access for your shopping needs without leaving the Facebook platform. As of the moment, it's still being tried by U.S. Facebook users with a PayPal account but they are working to all major payment services company such as Visa, American Express, Stripe, MasterCard, and Braintree.

People have been spending a lot of time on the Facebook and other social media applications every day, such as for conversations, fun games, connecting to love ones, being updated to what's happening to friend's life and of course for business. One of the good reason to people are on Facebook is because of business, having a marketing strategy like boosting Facebook advertisement is a very useful tool.  

This innovation will create an opportunity to buy and sell your products, and grow your sales revenue. It also beneficial to create an initial consumer-seller relationship for your prospects and eventually be there repeated clients.

TAGSfacebook, Mark Zuckerberg, pizza, E-commerce, mobile commerce
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