Another 14 Songs from Madonna's 'Rebel Heart' Leak Online

By Steven Hogg - 26 Dec '14 15:12PM

Madonna, the "Hard Candy" hit maker, is having a hard time this Christmas. Fourteen more new tracks from her upcoming album "Rebel Heart" have leaked online.

Several news outlets are reporting that Madonna's tracks have been illegally exposed online and one of them include one collaboration with "Happy" hit maker Pharell Williams.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, these are the titles of the new leaked tracks:


"Veni Vidi Vici"

"Beautiful Scars"


"God Is Love"

"Hold Tight"

"Best Night"

"Inside Out"

"Tragic Girl"

"Nothing Lasts Forever"

"Back That Up (Do It)" ft. Pharrell

"Holy Water"

"Graffiti Heart"

"Body Shop"

This is the second major leak for Madonna. Just last week, several demo tracks from the album were released online and to make up for the damage, the "La Isla Bonita" singer and her team decided to release six tracks immediately.

Of the leaks, Madonna told Billboard in an earlier interview:

"It's thrown us all into overdrive. We're having to think outside the box. Think on our feet. I didn't plan to put my record out this way."

Madonna wanted to release her first single on Valentine's Day 2015 but the hack disrupted the entire schedule. She also said that the leaks come as a surprise because security has been super tight.

"We don't put things up on servers anymore. Everything we work on, if we work on computers, we're not on WiFi, we're not on the Internet, we don't work in a way where anybody can access the information. Hard drives of music are hand-carried to people. We don't leave music laying around."

Madonna hasn't yet commented on the new round of leaks except for some passive social media comments.

In Twitter Post, Madonna wrote, "Real Rebels think for themselves! Real Rebels respect ART! Real Rebels are Rebels in their (heart emoji)"

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