Apple, Samsung: Is 2016 Their Explosive Year? Find Out Here!

By Lei Velayo - 19 Oct '16 07:20AM

         Apple and Samsung have been on tied rivalries ever since the era of smartphones existed. They have stayed for the top tier for years and doubtlessly, until now. They also have been explosive regarding new features coming in left and right. But speaking of explosiveness, it probably converted into their new infamous feature; it is exploding.

         Last August, the controversy about the explosions of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 units, the news went viral through the ears of the netizens for its unique unwanted feature people are talking about, which left a frown on Samsung's face and a smirk on Apple's.

         On The Country Caller's conjecture, Samsung's downfall wouldn't translate huge market bust on Apple's. Perhaps smartphone industry is not dichotomized by only Samsung and Apple, but also, the smartphone game has been stepping up with new blooms from rookie and veteran companies.

         Unfortunately for Apple's office, Apple as well, had to face the bitter taste of battery detonations. As per Dailymail, a cyclist suffered third-degree burn after bumping his iPhone 6 in a minor fall.

According to the cyclist, the temperature went high as 100 degrees. 'I suddenly saw this incredible plume of smoke,' the cyclist told Dailymail.

But in contrary, even Apple has miscarried, CNN says that Shares of Apple is taking the elevator on its way up as Samsung withdrew its Note 7 production. But on the other hand, Samsung's stock is so far, not dramatically depleting since they offer other alternatives for Galaxy Note 7.

Apple and Samsung should step their game up as 2017 approaches with new trends and new standards to prepare for another round of smartphone wars with a new bunch of competitors around the globe. What would smartphones do?

TAGSapple, samsung, galaxy note 7, Apple and Samsung's Sales, iphone
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