Ben Affleck In Movie 'The Accountant' News & Updates: Red Carpet Premiere, What Critics Have To Say

By Joyce Vega - 14 Oct '16 20:15PM

Ben Affleck hits the screens once again, with his new brain-teasing blockbuster motion picture called "The Accountant" set to hit the big screen on October 14, 2016. Pitch Perfect actress Anna Kendrick also part of the main cast of the movie.

NPR ORG shares some insight into the movie. Christian Wolf (Ben Affleck) is a high-functioning autist, who's gifted with amazing mathematical abilities, which find him work with some of the most despicable, dangerous people on the planet. Drug lords, weapon merchants, if you can name them, they are there, they are evil and he works for them.

The thriller-twist in the movie comes from Christian Wolf's set of non-canonical skills in the field of accounting. Wolf delivers fast punches, efficient sharpshooting and action sequences which break the expectations of the usual movie goer who expected a clean character plot.

The story of "The Accountant" is not one that is easy to follow, as a myriad of subplots is being thrown at the viewer, sometimes making it hard to follow, but still comprehensible in a sense of storytelling.

The action starts as the CFO of a company which Wolf investigates, get attacked by a band of unknown thugs. Later on, these same thugs attack an elderly couple, who are friends with Wolf.

One of the thugs uses a knife against Wolf, which allows the protagonist to display his martial abilities against an opponent who has an obvious leverage against him.

After that, the brain-teasing action packed thriller that "The Accountant" is starts to unravel before the viewer.

There are many opinions within the USA Today article on the topic of this movie, but it just goes as a proof of its versatile nature. It hold everything from thrills, to action and mystery. For those who demand more, even a love interest develops between Wolf and Dana Cummings (Anna Kendrick), as they meet during Wolf's initial work and as he may seem cold to her advances, she fast warms to him and they develop relations over the whole extent of the movie.

The Movie may not be well accepted by the critics, but it's IMDB rating is on the rise, which is a proof enough that "The Accountant" is a motion picture, with a personality and nature which go beyond the first-glance and leave a heavy trail in your mind, which has to be slowly lifted and unraveled to be understood.

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