‘Guardians Of The Galaxy’ Tops The List For Deadliest Films Of All Time

By Eileen De Santos - 05 Oct '16 09:37AM

A recent study was conducted revealed that "Guardians of the Galaxy" has the highest screen deaths of all time. Who would have known that this funny and witty film can also be the deadliest of them all?

Independent reported that the movie had at least 83, 761 on-screen deaths and 80,000 of which are Nova Corp pilots. James Gunn, writer/director, explained in his Facebook account that the Nova Corp pilots created a Nova net to try and prevent the Dark Aster from reaching and destroying the planet. But the combined strengths of the Nova Corp pilots were not enough to stop Dark Aster and this resulted in the dying of all the Nova Corp pilots.

Gunn added, "I hope our heroic CGI Nova Corps members know they didn't die in vain." They were able to help save the planet while establishing a "sketchy" world record for the highest number of on-screen deaths.

Here's the Top Ten List For the Highest Number of Screen Deaths of All Times:

1. Guardians of the Galaxy - 83,871.

2. Dracula Untold - 5, 687

3. The Sum of All Fears - 2,922

4. The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King - 2, 798

5. 300: Rise of An Empire - 2, 234

6. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - 1, 741

7. The Matrix Revolution - 1, 647

8. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies - 1,417

9. Braveheart - 1,297

10. Avengers Assemble - 1,019

It is unclear of all of the films were included in the study but moviegoers sure are wondering if "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2" will try to break that record. Maybe the members of the "Avengers" can bring this data to The Sokovia Accords next time they are being questioned for having a high number of casualties while protecting the Earth.

"Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2" is set to be released on April 28, 2017.

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