The Flash Season 3 Spoilers: Consequences of Flashpoint

By Staff Reporter - 04 Oct '16 17:21PM

It's always interesting when it's the apparent villain that serves as our hero's conscience. In the coming season 3 of The Flash, that's exactly what happens. At the end of season 2, Barry Allen, the Flash, travels back in time to prevent the death of his mother. Eobard Thawne, the Reverse-Flash, warns the Flash, about the selfishness of his actions and the consequences they may yet bring all the while alluding to the comics divergence, Flashpoint. Granted, he's still a textbook definition of the villain in his warnings with promises of vengeance and murder, but Thawne's words are really something to take note of.

Also notice that through it all, Allen is smug, maybe even rightfully so, thinking that everything that was ever taken from was complete. He asserts that he's whole and complete, with his parents still alive and even the burden of being a hero lifted from his shoulders. But Thawne reprises by telling our hero of a so-called common enemy: time.

For all the CW fans out there, this is basically a glaring warning because time never takes kindly to manipulation, as we've all seen before. One of the effects for sure that we've seen is memory loss on Allen's side, but we'll have to simply stay tuned to figure out the rest.

It doesn't really show escalation to the global scale like in the comics version, and instead, hits a little closer to home. Team Flash isn't what it used to be. Allen is estranged from Joe, Iris, and Cisco. All this while his old world's memories get supplanted by the new. Truly, a lot is in store for our hero and his friends this season.

Entertainment Weekly also gets an interview with the writer of The Flash series and executive producer, Andrew Kreisberg, who says that "Some things can be fixed, and then some things are broken forever."

TAGSCW, The Flash Season 3, spoilers
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