Concerned Pokemon Go Players Complain to Federal Government

By Staff Reporter - 29 Sep '16 14:39PM

It seems that along with the dying hype and slowly ebbing fanbase, Pokemon Go is also subject to complaints, ones that are directed to the Federal Trade Commission, no less. In an effort to find out, Polygon submitted a request under the Freedom of Information. From this, we've learned that dozens, around 72 complaints have been filed with the FTC. Their website also features the complains and replies from the FTC, as well.

The main concern seems to be money spent for the microtransactions available in the game. After spending nearly $500, one player filed a complaint when they were suddenly banned and their account disabled. This is due to the response Niantic had to some cheaters and hackers, as well as those using 3rd party applications to hunt for Pokemon. The suddenness, though, prompted the complaint, if only for a refund so that they could continue playing. What a fan.

Safety is another reason for concern. There has been news regarding the number of people playing Pokemon Go while driving. There have been tens of thousands of players who post on social media about using the app while on the road. Regardless, legislation is already catching up with technology, and some have already been signed, complete with application date.

Privacy also seems to be an issue. There are undoubtedly very inappropriate Pokestops and the like scatted around. Places with restricted access are being broken into, such as hospitals, all for the sake of a rare catch. There is even news that a monument to Hiroshima was already removed as one because of players disturbing those who come to pay their respects. Others are being harassed in their own homes regardless of whether they play or not.

While 72 complaints against half a billion seem small, it is undeniable that there are inconveniences the game brings to many. That said, the fanbase is already down by 79% in the United States alone, while in some countries in Asia the hype is still peaking. However, it is undeniable that Niantic is still making millions of dollars for it in profit.

Hyper or not, the company is still updating the app, what with the Buddy System out, and more changes to come. How about you, are you still playing? Tell us about it, and stick with us for more news on this app.

TAGSNiantic, Pokemon GO, FTC, federal trade commission
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