J.K Rowling Reveals Draco Malfoy’s Back Story; Invites Fans to Dumbledore’s funeral in Final few Pottermore Pieces

By Steven Hogg - 24 Dec '14 09:42AM

J.K. Rowling revealed some great insights about the adult life and character of "Harry Potter" antagonist Draco Malfoy in her latest piece of "12 Days of Christmas" series. She also invited fans to headmaster Dumbledore's funeral in a final piece.

Rowling revealed some interesting facts about the "Slytherin" villain adding that Draco Malfoy was "bought up to believe he occupied an almost royal position within the wizarding community," by his obnoxious, rich parents.

Rowling goes on to reveal that Malfoy is now married and has a son Scorpius with a fellow Slytherin's sister Astoria Greengrass. The three live in the Malfoy manor. But Malfoy hates it that Astoria doesn't want to bring Scorpius up with the same evil, snobbish values his parents bought him up with.

"I pity Draco. Being raised by the Malfoys would be a very damaging experience, and Draco undergoes dreadful trials as a direct result of his family's misguided principles," Rowling wrote.

"I imagine that Draco grew up to lead a modified version of his father's existence; independently wealthy, without any need to work, Draco inhabits Malfoy Manor with his wife and son."

"All his life, he had idolized a father who advocated violence and was not afraid to use it himself, and now that his son discovered in himself a distaste for murder, he felt it to be a shameful failing," Rowling added.

Rowling also opened up about her personal take on Draco Malfoy's character.

"Draco has all the dark glamour of the anti-hero; girls are very apt to romanticise such people. All of this left me in the unenviable position of pouring cold common sense on ardent readers' daydreams, as I told them, rather severely, that Draco was not concealing a heart of gold under all that sneering," Rowling wrote.

Rowling has been revealing insights about the series characters since December 12. On Christmas eve, Rowling ended the series with a special feature celebrating headmaster Albus Dumbledore's work and inviting fans to his funeral!

In what is being touted as an extension to "The Half-blood Prince," Rowling wrote:

"In our final Moment from Half-Blood Prince join students, teachers and magical creatures and say farewell to the beloved Professor Dumbledore in the Moment "The Funeral"," she wrote.

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