Some Forgettable Christmas Movies You Can Avoid

By Staff Reporter - 23 Dec '14 10:01AM

The season of cheer has begun and Christmas is upon us followed by the New Year. Watching Christmas movies is a sort of tradition in most families but Hollywood does not get it right always. Here is a list of some most forgettable Christmas movies according to News Everyday in no particular order.

Jingle All the Way (1996)

A 1996 Arnold Schwarzenegger movie about two overworked stressed out father's trying to grab a turboman toy for their sons in a last minute Christmas shopping spree and the mayhem that ensues. Sindbad played the other father. By the way there is a sequel Jingle All the Way 2 (2014), which went straight to video.

Silent Night Deadly Night 2 (1987)

Yes Christmas and Horror combined. It is a part of a trilogy. The first one was made in 1984 and the third one in 1989. It starred Eric Freeman, James Newman, Elizabeth Kaitan. It was a follow-up to the original where Santa Claus kills the parents of a small boy in front of him and he is brought up in a catholic orphanage to become a serial killer. In this movie the brother of the serial killer also follows in his brother's footsteps and is finding out why.


Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964)

Yes the title says it all. The king and queen of Mars notice that the kids of the planet are unhappy and decide to kidnap Santa. The plan goes awry and two children from Earth are also dragged along. The good things happen and a toy factory is set up on the planet to make the children happy. The Santa and the kids are let off and they go back to their respective homes but not before appointing a very own Martian Santa for the aliens.

Santa With Muscles (1996)

Here we have Hulk Hogan playing a stingy and mean millionaire who dons the Santa garb at a mall to escape the police. He hits his head and believes he is the real Santa and his task is to save an orphanage from an evil scientist who wants a crystal buried under the orphanage. Hogan's muscly Santa comes in handy to fight the evil doers.

Home Alone 4 (2002)

Kevin McAllister saves his future stepmother's home from the evil Marv and his wife this time. This was a very forgettable made for TV, sequel to the other three Home Alone movies. Here he save a possible kidnapping of a royal heir, saves a lonely old man and brings his parents back together. All the ingredients of a feel good movie but it just does not make the grade.
Cast included Mike Weinberg, Jason Beghe and French Stewart.

Four Christmases (2008)

This Reese Witherspoon and Vince Vaughn movie had the couple visiting all 4 of their parents as this holiday season they cannot avoid them as usual. Their annual Christmas escape gets cancelled due to bad weather and they are caught on TV about it.
The casting maybe raised high hopes but the movie just does not rise above the tripe awkwardness of dysfunctional families, oddball relatives and long suffering leads waiting to get out, along with us.

The list does not end here. We can add more on your say so.

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