Maternal Depression May Be Linked to Child's Risky Behaviour in Teen Years

By Staff Reporter - 23 Dec '14 01:55AM

A new Canadian study reveals that maternal depression during the children's elementary or middle school phase increases the kids' chances of engaging in risky behaviour like drinking or smoking marihuana during their teenage years.

The study was conducted on around 3,000 children who were followed since they were toddlers. The researchers found that teens of those mothers who remained depressed during their child's "middle childhood" were more likely to indulge in risky behaviours "since those children may be missing both the supervision and support that a parent can offer during an emotional time," said study co-author Ian Colman, CBS News reports.  

Colman continued, saying: "So we were surprised to see that maternal depression when the child was aged 6 to 10 was actually more strongly associated with those risky health behaviors."

He added that in the past it has been established by valid evidence that maternal depression is associated with depression in the child, but till now there was not much knowledge about the effect of maternal depression on the child's adolescent behaviour.

"Given how prevalent maternal depression is, and that risky adolescent behaviors are associated with poor long-term outcomes in adulthood, we thought better evidence in this area could be really useful" said Colman, who is an associate professor of epidemiology at the University of Ottowa in Ontario, Canada, Reuters reports.

Meanwhile, Seanna Crosbie, director of program and trauma-informed services at Austin Child Guidance Center in Austin, Texas, stresses that adolescent period is the most crucial as it is during that stage that children are majorly influenced by peers and need support and guidance from their parents.

"It is during this stage that children gain approval from parents and teachers by exhibiting competencies and activities that are valued by society," leading to a sense of pride and skills mastery, Crosbie said. "If children do not receive positive feedback and encouragement from their environment, they may develop a sense of low self-esteem and inferiority."

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