Will iPhone's battery life increase without making it thicker?

By Rida - 20 Aug '16 02:23AM

Apple -"The ruler of International smart phone market" has disappointed some users with the battery life and camera bump. Though, the back camera bump is not a big concern for the users who are more concerned with the battery life. Users who are addicted to social networking sites needs a high battery backup mobile phones and Apple being the top brand in smart phones has disappointed the high end online users.

Will Apple increase the thickness of its upcoming new smart phone?

The answer is "No". The thickness of the new iPhone is much similar to the current one and size of battery will remain the same. The chances of battery life of the new upcoming iPhone may be inclined or remain the same.

Users !!!  Do not be disappointed. Apple has come up with the new battery technology which will allow users stick to their smart phone more than twenty four hours in a day.

There is a MIT spin off company who is currently working to enhance the best battery life in Apple phones and other devices. Unlike, the other promising battery technologies, this new system is heading towards mass production. So called SolidEnergy systems, started experimenting on anode-free lithium metal batteries, which emerged to be a success. These batteries are twice dense than lithium-ion batteries, safe and long lasting.

According to bgr, " With two-times the energy density, we can make a battery half the size, but that still lasts the same amount of time, as a lithium-ion battery", said CEO of SolidEnergy and inventor Qichao Hu. "Or we can make a battery the same size a s lithium-ion battery, but now it will last twice as long"

SolidEnergy systems has already demonstrated their battery in comparison with iPhone 6s lithium-ion battery and the results were quite happening. The company is planning to bring the same system of battery in drones in November, to smart phones and wearables in coming twenty seventeen and cars in future.

For the batteries to operate safely at room temperature, SolidEnergy systems has come up with solid and liquid hybrid electrolyte solution. Will this success be incorporated in upcoming devices of Apple? The answer comes only with its release.

TAGSiphone, battery life
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