‘Winds of Winter’ Release, News Update: More Delay in Offing as Author Martin Falls Sick

By Dipannita - 14 Jun '16 14:29PM

A few days back, George R.R. Martin treated fans to a chapter from his much-awaited sixth installment 'Winds of Winter'. It was well-received by the weary book lovers who have been waiting for the sixth part for five years.

But now their wait is going to get longer for the author has fallen sick. He said that he has fallen sick after his return from the Baltimore and New York trip. Elaborating in detail, he wrote that he came home from Balticon Convention feeling sick as some kind of con crud was going around there.

His assistant Jo was the first who got stricken and next was the turn of his friend Lezli Robyn. However, neither showed the symptoms until the Con got over. It was after the event that the duo started experiencing cough, fever and headache.

And a little later, he also caught it but he admitted to having a milder case. Still, it is enough to slow him down and currently he and his assistant are recovering. So, it clearly means a little more delay in the book's release.

In the meantime, rumors about a possible plot of the book are doing the rounds. It is being said that he apparently submitted a proposal, running into 3 pages, which he intends to write. According to other reports, the US book retailer Waterstones has also shared images on Twitter showing his typewritten letter, revealing his plans for the book series, in 1993.

Sadly, the tweet is no longer available. But some of the photos of the original outline of his book are available on another site 'Winter is Coming,' which has been closely following the HBO show ever since it went into production.

Well, they suggest interesting plots about the Stark sisters with the elder Sansa giving Joffrey a son and choosing him over her family. As of the younger Arya, it reveals a love triangle with Jon and Tyrion.

Interesting, isn't it? Well, it is but fans are more focused on the sixth installment's outline, and the news of Martin's sickness is definitely not cheering them in anyway.

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