Users Can Use 'OK Google' On Chromebook, Intel's Easy Migration App

By Kamal Nayan - 21 Dec '14 23:37PM

'OK Google' functionality has finally landed on Chromebook. 'OK Google' command works as an intelligent personal assistant.

It's no surprise that Google is taking good care of Chromebook by releasing updates regularly. The device is having a good run so far in history and recently it famously beat out Apple's iPad in sales.

'Ok Google' was possible with the code that was included in the operating system, however it was hidden from users sight.

The 'OK Google' functionality can be activated by toggling the chrome://flags/#enable-hotword-hardware flag and restarting the device. However you also need to go to Chrome OS Settings and check 'Enable "OK Google".'

'OK Google' command is useful in many instances. Users can directly ask questions related to nearby events, parking locations , public transit, friends birthdays etc and get answers almost instantly.

You can train Chromebook to know your name by simply saying 'OK Google' three times.

The feature, however, is an experimental version and a stable version might be released soon, but a release date hasn't been set up.

Apart from Google, Intel is also showing support for Chromebooks. The company recently released Easy Migration app that will help users easily migrate data between Windows devices, iOS devices, and Android devices. However, the app can only support Chromebooks that run on Intel's processors. You can check the compatibility of your Chromebook for Intel's Easy Migration app on the website that Intel has provided.

Chromebook is a laptop running Chrome OS. The device has been aimed at users who mostly use applications and data residing 'in the cloud.' Amazon is offering significant discounts on Chromebooks in case you wanted to buy one.

TAGSgoogle, Chromebook, Ok Google, update, Intel
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