Support Plain Packaging Of Tobacco Products, Urges UN

By Dipannita - 01 Jun '16 14:18PM

In an attempt to raise awareness about the ill-effects of tobacco on the World No Tobacco Day, the United Nations (UN) advocated the use of plain packaging of tobacco products. The organization believes that this will help reduce the demand for such product and would eventually help save the lives of 6 million people who die each year because of it.

According to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, tobacco remains one of the largest causes of preventable, non-communicable diseases in the world, including lung disease, heart ailments and cancer. Ki-Moon released this special message to mark World No Tobacco Day, which is observed every year to highlight the risk associated with tobacco consumption.

As per the World Health Organization (WHO) standards, the plain packaging of tobacco products prohibits the use of colors, logos, brand images and promotional information on the packaging. Only information pertaining to the brand and product name is allowed to be printed in a standard color and font.

Ki-Moon further stressed on the matter by saying that using plain packaging stops the users from getting attracted to tobacco products that divert valuable household income. The use of slogans, promotional content, misleading labelling and advertising are all taken care of if plain packaging is used. In addition, it helps increase the effectiveness of health warnings.

On the same matter, the Secretary-General reminded people of the Sustainable Development Goal 3 set by the UN that aims to "ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages." Ki-Moon further received the support of the countries who decided to follow WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control to reduce the percentage of people who consume tobacco within their respective countries.

Talking along the same lines, WHO Director-General, Dr. Margaret Chan said that the use of plain packaging is being insisted because it actually works. According to Chan, the efforts taken by the WHO includes comprehensive ban on promotion, advertising and sponsorship of tobacco products.

TAGSill-effects of tobacco, World No Tobacco Day, United Nations (UN), packaging
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