Pregnant Women Can Run and Exercise Regularly, Claim Experts

By Kanika Gupta - 31 May '16 20:03PM

Many female athletes continue their training and exercising routine, even when they are pregnant, thus making a strong case that women can safely exercise during their pregnancy. Kari Bo, a professor from the Norwegian School of Sports Sciences, reveals that exercising during pregnancy does not have any negative impact on the mother or the fetus. These mothers also do not report difficult pregnancies and birth defects as well.

Bo explains that women that are athletic have excellent blood circulation, when this blood circulation is combined with regular exercising regime, the fetus and the placenta become stronger as well as healthier.

According to National Health Service in England, women can continue to exercise in their pregnancy but should ensure that the exercising routines are not too vigorous.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, meanwhile, suggested that the pregnant women should undertake strength and aerobic workouts because it reduces the risk of diabetes and also enhances mental capabilities.

While exercising is surely beneficial for your body, Bo warns that it if the pregnant women feel that something is not right, they should stop the exercising immediately. Most women avoid physical training during their pregnancy because they feel uncomfortable with active movement of the fetus inside their bodies. Bo also added that the first trimester is very crucial and that they should avoid getting the body temperatures too high. It can also be helpful to wear light clothes, use air-conditioned rooms and light exercises during hot days. It is also advisable to forgo exercising completely when the weather is too hot.

Dr. Aaron Baggish, director of the Cardiovascular Performance Program at the Massachusetts General Hospital Heart Center, says that pregnancy is not the time when they should work up their athletic performance. In fact, this is a great opportunity to maintain their overall fitness levels. Baggish also warns that pregnant women should especially avoid Pilates, hot yoga, gymnastics, snow-skiing, horseback riding etc. He also adds that pregnant women that exercise regularly deliver healthier babies and have easier deliveries.

TAGSpregnant women, Regular exercising
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