'The Elder Scrolls 6' Release Date, News & Update: Title Expected to Arrive Sooner

By Kanika Gupta - 31 May '16 19:46PM

In a recent news, it is speculated that the "The Elder Scrolls 6" will either be set in Elsweyr or Argonia. However, since Bethesda has not made any official announcements, the fans should take this news with a grain of salt.

In previous reports, it was also mentioned that the "The Elder Scrolls 6" may have a settlement that is somewhat similar to Wasteland Workshop of "Fallout 4." While many fans were not very impressed with the wasteland settlement system, there are others who believe that the it will be a welcome addition to the upcoming game. 

One of the other things that requires confirmation is the game title. As per the latest reports, the game may be titled "Argonia," "Redguard" or "Skyrim 2." However, since a game by the name of "The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard" already exists, it is safe to assume that it will be different from that. There are also rumors that the new game will be an extension of "Skyrim," thus "Skyrim 2" seems like a plausible title.

According to official announcement by Bethesda, they will be participating in E3 in 2016 and they released several images followed by the announcement. One of these photos consist of "The Elder Scrolls," which means that the title may be expected to release soon. Another recent news pointed out that the "The Elder Scrolls 6" will not make it before 2017. However, since Bethesda only releases "The Elder Scrolls" title every four years, it might not be until 2019 that the game will be seen. But even though the report indicates otherwise, there are news reports that suggest that the game will be launched sometime next year.

TAGSskyrim 2, The Elder Scrolls Online
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