Doom 2016 News and Rumors: Spectrogram Reveals Satanic Symbols in the Game’s Soundtrack

By Jenn Loro - 31 May '16 08:53AM

The music world is replete with examples of big names like the Beatles and Led Zeppelin stuffing their songs with secret diabolical messages. Filled with its own slew of Easter eggs, id Software's Doom 2016 reportedly included Satanic Symbols in the game's soundtrack when the frequencies are played using a spectrogram.

The latest iteration of the 1993 original was recently launched on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 receiving a warm welcome from critics and fans alike who praised the FPS game for offering an extremely fast-paced gaming experience plus a plethora of interesting weaponry as well as monsters.

The satanic symbols were discovered when a Reddit user named TomButcher posted a screenshot of the infamous sinister number '666' and pentagrams displayed on spectrogram when one of Doom's soundtrack, titled 'Cyberdemon', was played.

Confirming the existence of hidden demonic images is Doom's composer Mick Gordon who also teased fans regarding the so-called creepy Easter eggs on YouTube (3:29) and Twitter.

The single-shooter game is purely about fighting demonic forces and Satan's legion of sinister underlings. And the cool albeit creepy Easter egg is just one impressive example of id Software's meticulous attention to fine details. As per International Business Times, other Easter eggs embedded in the game include Terminator 2 references and secret doorways that will give gamers a slice of the original 1993 version.

Meanwhile, a group of modders have been recently working on recreating parts of Doom (2016) into Doom 1993 classic. While the developers squeezed some parts of the original into the 2016 remake of the said game, some modders are just doing the exact opposite. The creators of the DOOM for DooM (D4D) project include DBThanatos, Major Cooke, and Michaelis who are trying their best to inject some of the latest iteration's upgrades to the much beloved old school title, Games Radar reported.

TAGSdoom, Doom 2016, rumors, satanic, soundtrack, game, Cyberdemon, tease, single-shooter, modders, remake
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