Facebook News: Mark Zuckerberg to meet Glenn Beck along with many others on Wednesday

By Zubera - 17 May '16 10:30AM

The CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg to meet the conservative radio talk show host Glenn Beck.

"How does a company who allowed voices to be heard in Iran and Egypt which sparked revolution silence voices of anyone here? I am trying to rearrange my schedule to see if I can make it. It would be interesting to look him in the eye as he explains and a win for all voices if we can come to a place of real trust with this powerful tool." Glenn Beck wrote in a Facebook post

There are many conservatives including Fox News' The Five co-host Dana Perino and Arthur Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute who are scheduled to meet Wednesday with the Facebook CEO at the company's Menlo Park, Calif., headquarters.

The allegation: Facebook news editors suppressed conservative articles and news outlets in the "Trending Topics" feature that highlights the most popular news on Facebook.

"A lot of people at Facebook are working to figure out if there are parts of the Trending Topics process that are broken - and if so how they should be fixed. Though we've found no evidence the report is true, it is deeply troubling, and if there is a problem, we want to uncover it and correct it," Joel Kaplan, Facebook's vice president of public policy, said in a Facebook post over the weekend.

"In the U.S., there are an equal number of conservatives and liberals using our platform, and conservatives are just as engaged - if not more so," he wrote. "Conservative groups are thriving on Facebook, with exceptionally high levels of engagement."

Kaplan, a former senior aide in the George W. Bush White House, argued that Facebook's staffers and users.

TAGSMark Zuckerberg, Glenn Beck, Fox News
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