‘The Young and the Restless’ Spoilers and News Update: Victoria Hooks up with Travis, Phyllis Feels Guilty and Adam-Chelsea Renew Vows

By Dipannita - 16 May '16 10:36AM

Genoa City denizens have been facing troubles for a while and the coming times do not seem to allay them in any way for there is a lot lined up in the upcoming episodes.

According to reports, Monday episode is not going to be easy for Phyllis and Victoria. The two women will find themselves in troubled waters as they try to come to terms with their love life. Phyllis and Billy slept together in the last episode and now both feel compelled to think about it.

Phyllis feels the guilt pangs but when Jack asks her if she has feelings for Billy, she dodges the question. She admits that she feels drawn but makes it appear like an innocent and friendly connection. Jack will accept what she says and point out that Billy feel happy to find a friend in her.

On the other hand, Victoria will again go to the bar to see Travis and then the duo decide to go at his place where they make out. In the meantime, Billy will call her to have her wish Johnny goodnight and when he comments that she is whispering, she will insist she is not.

Later, when she returns to Travis, he will speak about her kid, leaving her agitated. She gets dressed and leaves despite Travis saying that he likes children. She says that she does not want her family to get involved in her affair.

As for Adam and Chelsea, they renew their marriage vows. Both will talk about Victor pursuing them but then Adam soothes her concerns. They wear their wedding rings and he proposes her. The duo promises to love each other now and forever. Afterwards, they discuss about Victor with Jack, Phyllis and Nikki.

In the prison, Victor chats with Meredith's father and they end up on a sour note after he brings up his son. Later, he tries to work his charm on Dr. Meredith. She tells him that she feels unsure about trusting him. In reply, he plants a kiss on her cheek and leaves with a sly smile.

TAGSThe Young and the Restless, Phyllis, victoria, guilt pangs, Children
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