Video: Ted Nugent Stirs A Storm With A Fake Show Of Bernie Sanders 'Killing' Hillary Clinton

By R. Siva Kumar - 13 May '16 11:16AM

Republican rocker Ted Nugent has stirred quite a storm in a teacup with a social media post.

He has taken a potshot at Hillary Clinton and gun laws with his controversial post. He put up a digitally altered video, in which Bernie Sanders quickly draws out a gun and shoots his rival, Hillary Clinton.

"I got your gun control right here bitch," the belligerent guitarist wrote in his May 10 post on Facebook.

His YouTube 29-second clip, published by Cool Junk Productions, shows the Democratic Presidential Debate between the two contestants. Clinton is asked whether she is blaming "Vermont and implicitly Sen. Sanders for New York's gun violence." Even as Sanders laughs at the question being asked, some funky graphics show the Vermont senator pulling out a gun and blasting Clinton off the stage.

It was in April 2012 that Nugent had been targeted by Secret Service investigations after he made some rude comments about the president at a National Rifle Association (NRA) meeting. "If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year," he said.

However, after the investigation, the case was just closed and the right-winger was released.

The "Cat Scratch Fever" singer is a huge fan of businessman Republican candidate Donald Trump. "He represents a glowing middle finger to the embarrassing status-quo politics, and everyone I know truly loves a good, glowing middle finger aimed directly at the most deserving," he said.

As an NRA member, he will give a May 22 speech during the organization's annual meeting in Louisville, Ky., labelled "2016 Election Do or Die for America and Freedom."

The event is described as: "Never before has the orchestrated threat against America, freedom and our sacred 2nd Amendment rights been more dangerous than in 2016. The Obama/Clinton liberal Democrat gang is maniacal in their attack on all things individual rights, truth, logic, common sense and The American Way. Are there enough of us willing to do battle with these evil forces? We can and we must win this one."


TAGSHillary Clinton, gun laws, controversial, guitarist, Barack Obama, embarrassing, investigation
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