Facebook Reactions News: How are the Facebook Reactions Doing?

By Ajay Kadkol - 11 May '16 10:05AM

Facebook only recently did release something called post reactions. Where you can express yourself through the given stickers? Are they stickers actually? Don't count me on that. Facebook users now have gotsome new reactions to work with but seems like most of them are sticking to the classic "Like" button, according to a new study from social media analytics firm Quintly.Quintly apparently analyzed 130,000 Facebook posts and found that, 97 percent of interactions were likes, comments, and shares, rather than the new options that allow folks to convey love, laughter, happiness, shock, sadness, or anger about a particular post.

"It is clear that Facebook Reactions are not used very frequently by the average user at this point," Quintly Communication Manager Julian Gottke writes in a blog post. Of the interactions that Quintly analyzed the majority of the analysis topped with 76.4% likes. 14% were shares, and 7.2 percent were comments, while just 2.4 percent were something else.That's not really a great news to be conveyed for Facebook and not just Facebook but also for marketerswhich may be relying on these new reactions to actually sense how their content is received by a user. The social network officially rolled out the new symbols in February; "love" is the most popular, Quintly reports.

Videos howeverreceived more varied reactions than other types of posts. Reactions like "wow" were used often than just likes which also went the same for angry too. But however even inspite of the angry reactions being there, users were too hesistant to actually opt for it. "Until the launch of Facebook Reactions it was hardly possible to express a negative perception. Now it is, but the share of people using it is very low," Gottke writes. "Facebook users prefer to interact with content that entertains, is funny or just generates positive emotions."

TAGSfacebook, reactions, Posted Reactions
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