What We Searched for the Most on Google in 2014

By Steven Hogg - 16 Dec '14 07:51AM

As the year 2014 almost comes to an end, Google, the search engine giant has revealed what the world searched for most in the past 12 months and the list is endearing.

Google released two lists this year, one denoting global searches and another denoting traffic from the U.S.

Robin Williams topped both the lists. The death of the beloved comedian came as a shock to many and as the story of his suicide unfolded, fans were more intrigued. Apart from that, Ebola and Malaysian Airlines were also some of the most searched terms this year.

Below are the top 10 terms searched in the U.S.:

1. Robin Williams

2. World Cup

3. Ebola

4. Malaysia Airlines

5. Flappy Bird

6. ALS Ice Bucket Challenge


8. Ferguson

9. Frozen

10. Ukraine

And these were the most searched terms all around the world:

1. Robin Williams

2. World Cup

3. Ebola

4. Malaysia Airlines

5. ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

6. Flappy Bird

7. Conchita Wurst


9. Frozen

10. Sochi Olympics

Both lists are almost similar, which shows that the internet has the world connected now more than ever. TechCrunch notes that this is the first year that an Apple product didn't make it to the list.

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