Battlefield 1 Release Date, News and Rumors: Video Game to Be Dropped In October and Will Be Set In WW1

By Jenn Loro - 09 May '16 12:09PM

EA's newest game to the Battlefield franchise, Battlefield 1 will be a walk down the history lane featuring World War I-era tanks, biplanes, warhorses, artillery pieces and munitions, and guns.

Set during the first truly global conflict in modern age, the FPS game will feature air dogfights, trench warfare, and bloody battles across Europe and elsewhere around the world.

The 15th installment to EA's fabled military shooting series began in 2002 with World War II-themed Battlefield 1942. The game definitely stood out among gamers when it allow players to fly planes in that era, control submarines, as well as drive tanks deep into enemy lines. After its debut's massive success, it recreated other wars picked up from history textbooks such as the Vietnam War and various Middle East conflicts.

Some critics harshly commented that the game may not have a wide array of weapons and items available to make it a compelling buy like its predecessors.

"It's a misconception," said EA game designer Daniel Berlin as quoted by CNET. "This was the first time people saw this type of machinery on the battlefield. We wanted to portray that power."

The game has a quite different approach to Activision's Call of Duty series that have taken gamers deeper into the future with its forthcoming title of the franchise called 'Infinite Warfare'. As per The Verge, the Activision has made a great leap toward a more sci-fi-oriented kind of FPS gaming that has more resemblance with the Halo universe by arming extremely tech savvy soldiers with exoskeletons in battlefields taking place outside the planet Earth.

The game is slated for release on October 21, 2016 across Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC platforms.

According to IGN, gamers may have the option to play Battlefield 1 three days ahead of the October 21 release with an Early Enlister Deluxe Edition which sells for $79.99 with interesting add-ons like the Red Baron Pack, the Lawrence of Arabia Pack, and other featured large vehicle appearances, namely, the Frontline Camouflage Train, the Night Raid Airship, and the Dazzle Camouflage Dreadnought.

TAGSBattlefield, Battlefield 1, Release Date, rumors, video games, FPS, World War II, EA Games, Activision, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, pc
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