Protesters Shut Down Oakland, CA Police HQ

By Dustin M Braden - 15 Dec '14 18:17PM

Protesters demanding policy change after police officers who killed unarmed suspects were not indicted managed to close down the headquarters of the Oakland, CA police.

The Los Angeles Times reports that 25 people were arrested at the demonstration which saw protesters chain themselves to the police headquarters' doors. The protests lasted four and a half hours. That number is of symbolic importance because it was the amount of time Michael Brown was left in the street after Darren Wilson killed him in Ferguson, MO.

The other case that motivated the protest was the death of Eric Garner in Staten Island, NY. Video of Garner's death has made the failure to indict the officer involved in his death, Daniel Pantaleo, bewildering to the majority of Americans.

Images of the democratic action could be seen on social media.

Some protesters stood with their fists in the air, a traditional symbol of the black power movement.

Others locked arms and closed the street in front of the station.

One particularly bold and dedicated demonstrator climbed a flag pole and raised a homemade flag to victims of police violence.

TAGSOakland, California, #ShutItDown, protests, Eric Garner, Michael Brown
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