House of Cards Season 5 Release Date, Spoilers Updates: Will Claire Rob of Frank's Presidential Position?

By Jenn Loro - 06 May '16 10:04AM

The political drama series 'House of Cards' Season 5 is set to increasingly unveil Claire's political ambition as she gradually unmasks herself as a hungry-power first-lady-turned-presidential-aspirant. If rumors prove accurate, we might see more of her plotting against her husband as she plans on launching her own presidential bid.

Although the upcoming season has yet to wait until 2017, fans are increasingly restless to know whether a purported drift would tear Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey) and his wife Claire (Robin Wright) further apart or would Frank's political troubles pull them closer together a husband and wife.

As per Christian Times report, speculations are mounting that Claire would ultimately defy conventions as she works her way through murky political maze in an attempt to dislodge her husband from the highest political position of the land by becoming a presidential aspirant herself against Frank's re-election bid.

Another theory doing rounds in various online media outfits is the possibility of Claire-orchestrated removal of Underwood from his post as per Hall of Fame Magazine report. It is plausible since the first lady holds tremendous amount of insider information that would seriously affect Frank's hold on to power. As of this writing, it is still unclear whether such removal would entail a bloodletting or impeachment.

The 'House of Cards' was adapted from a novel written by Michael Dobbs. It was a hit political thriller drama in the UK back in the 90's. By giving it an American socio-political twist, the TV series proved to be successful as it offers viewers a dramatized portrayal of politicians in the quagmire of power. In the 90's British version, Francis Urquhart (Underwood's counterpart) killed himself in the series when his wife Elizabeth asked him to in order to keep their legacy intact. The question looming on everyone's mind is will Frank meet the same fate?

Meanwhile, Beau Willimon's exit from the Netflix series as creative writer was quite a shock to many of those who has been with the show for quite some time. His writing role will be taken over by Frank Pugliese and Melissa James Gibson.

"My initial reaction was to be stunned, and then it hurt really badly. He's probably the most brilliant writer I've had the fortune of working with," said Michael Kelly who played Frank Underwood's longtime right-hand man in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

TAGSHouse of Cards, House of Cards Season 5 Release date, spoilers, update, Claire Rob, rumors, Robin Wright, Kevin Spacey, Frank Underwood, Michael Dobbs, TV Series, thriller
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