'World of Warcraft' News and Updates: Pre-Expansion Details Finally Announced

By Kanika Gupta - 02 May '16 16:10PM

Pre-expansion event details have been finally announced by the the "World of Warcraft." Apart from the announcement, the gamers were also given details about Part One of "Legion" flight achievement on Alpha Realm.

The gamers of "World of Warcraft" players were ecstatic to learn that soon enough they will be able to venture the Broken Isles area. They will also be able to explore powerful weapons such as Ashbringer, artifact and also Demon Hunters. The pre-expansion will happen on August 30.

Apart from the pre-expansion details of the game, it was also announced that a new "Legion" alpha build is already available. However, for now, it is solely focused on the testers. It is being tested for bug fixes and minor upgrades.

Blizzard Entertainment's official forum noted that there are many characters that have been altered such as Holy Paladins, Vengeance Demon Hunters, Protection Warriors and Retribution Paladins. There were several artifact weapon traits also that were altered for various classes.

According to another forum, it is still not known as to when would the next step be open for exploration and unlocked. According to "World of Warcraft" game developer with regards to the game release date, he said: "I can't give a detailed estimate of exactly when the next step will unlock," the game developer wrote. "We have a solid patch plan in the works, but we need to remain flexible to adapt to player needs once the expansion launches, and there's no way to even hint at a date without it sounding like a promise. That said, I can say that Part One should represent a significant majority of the total effort required to ultimately unlock flight."

TAGSworld of warcraft
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