Facebook Stops Using Microsoft Bing Search

By Kamal Nayan - 14 Dec '14 22:54PM

Facebook has stopped using Microsoft Bing to power its search. The move follows after Facebook announced its own tool for findings comments and other information. 

Facebook confirmed the move Friday.  The decision relating to search is vital for Facebook given the 1.35 billion user base. Facebook CEO had claimed that over 1 billion search requests occur on the social network every day. 

"We're not currently showing web search results in Facebook Search because we're focused on helping people find what's been shared with them on Facebook. We continue to have a great partnership with Microsoft in lots of different areas," a Facebook spokesperson said in a statement. 

Microsoft also noted the Facebook's move to drop Bing, happened "a while ago." 

"Facebook recently changed its search experience to focus on helping people tap into information that's been shared with them on Facebook versus a broader set of web results. We continue to partner with Facebook in many different areas," said Microsoft spokesperson. 

Microsoft had invested around $240 million in the Facebook for a 1.6% cut in the company. 

Microsoft Bing search is currently the number 2 Web search provider in the United States after Google. 

TAGSbing, search, facebook, Microsoft
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